our services

what can we offer you?

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Gencode is committed to fostering a true partnership with you. Throughout the entire process, we will stand by your side, providing a variety of scenarios and business cases to help identify the optimal solution that meets your specific requirements.

Social Media

We can support you by providing comprehensive social-media strategies, including graphic and textual contents. Our experts can help effectively reach your target audience, increase engagement, and drive results.

public relations

We can help you promote your services and products. Our team will craft effective PR campaigns that will reach the right audience, build credibility, and generate coverage.

disruptive online activations

We develop digital supports that customers enjoy interacting with. We set up campaigns and managing multiple channels, fast and efficiently.

influence marketing

With a strong multichannel strategy, gathering nano-, micro- and macro-influencers, it results in higher credibility, increased brand exposure, and lead generation.

brand identity

By combining our skills, Gencode can help your build a strong and cohesive brand identity that drives results.



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Each of us possesses our own areas of expertise, and at Gencode, our preference lies in the realm of POP Culture. POP Culture is distinguished by its primary trait of being created and embraced by a broad and diverse audience, with the goal of reaching as many individuals as possible.

    • DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS : Our goal is to provide tailor-made solutions that elevate the visibility of their licensed characters and franchises in the retail space.
    • POP CULTURE : Everyone knows the current movies and series, or has a nostalgic feeling when thinking about the classic hits that have left a lasting impact.
    • TOYS : The trend of collectors and enthusiasts has boosted the industry, resulting in the release of more complex toys with POP culture references.
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our portfolio

our latest projects

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We are driven by the principle of producing items that we can take immense pride in, and as a result, elicit a profound 'wow' effect from our clients. We understand that the 'wow' factor is not just a momentary reaction but a lasting impression that strengthens our relationships with clients and underscores our commitment to providing value that endures.
about us

our experts

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We are a dynamic team of specialists with expertise in the realms of communication and marketing. At Gencode, we firmly uphold the belief that effective communication and strategic marketing constitute the cornerstones of triumph in today's fiercely competitive landscape.